Dolphin Energy Healing
Dolphin-Whale-Mermaid Inspired Energy Healing and Spiritual Growth

Welcome to Dolphin
Energy Healing!

Meet the the dolphins and whales of our planet, who are here to support you in your evolution and connect, heart to heart, with each and every one of you! 

Since 1999 Earth’s dolphins and whales have connected with me, Kathryn Jensen, and my clients through energy kinesiology sessions. Until recently clients included children with special needs-Indigo, crystal, and psychic children as well as adult spiritual seekers craving in-depth personal growth and energy healing. Presently I work exclusively with adults.

The dolphins and whales use me as a conduit for immersing clients in their joyful, unbelievably powerful healing presence. 

Through these experiences I've discovered my purpose, which is ultimately to create a bridge between you and the cetaceans. I do so by providing you with cetacean inspired systems for personal and spiritual growth.

Learn More about Kathryn Jensen-Energy Healer, Educator, Author


Through the years the dolphins, whales, ascended masters and archangels have guided me through the process of creating unique healing systems that are practical, easy to use yet profoundly effective.

The central focus of this site is to give you  in-depth information on inspiring, powerful ways to connect to the dolphins and whales of our Planet, who are here to assist you in your spiritual evolution and healing of your mind-body-spirit.


Enjoy exploring the pages on this site. As you explore these pages it's likely you'll feel the presence of the dolphins and whales who are here to assist you in your personal growth and spiritual evolution.

    Learn More:

 Energy Healing Sessions
 methods emphasizing a dolphin-whale inspired chakra healing of mind-body-spirit and ultimately discovering your Life Purpose.

A Self Guided Course - Called The Blue Dolphin Essences, A Course in Loving Yourself as You Love Another

Coat of Many Colors- a course in self-healing for personal and spiritual growth and light body development. This includes a one-on-one Mentoring/ Tutoring/Coaching opportunity for learning Coat of Many Colors

Dolphin-Whale Activated Healing Essences

Also: Dolphin-Whale Inspired Books for
Children and Adults!:

Click on the Graphics!

  • The cetaceans use the healing methods, you are introduced to on this site,with their community members.
  • The dolphins and whales  tend to Earth’s grid and chakra system with these energies.  
  • These transformational techniques are designed to nurture us through all aspects of healing body, mind and spirit.
  • All methods and products give us the opportunity to connect directly with Earth’s Cetacean Nation, so the dolphins and whales may assist us in healing our deepest fears.
  •  I’ve observed many students and clients discover their unique, life  purpose with help from their cetacean assistants.
  • These methods help us heal fear so deeply and thoroughly that ultimately we connect, through our hearts, with our guides, who help us experience our essence and our connection to the heart-mind of God.


  • As you explore this site you'll feel the presence of the dolphins and the whales as you learn about their gifts to you!
  • Introduce yourself to the transformational, self-guided course called The Blue Dolphin Essences, a Course in Loving Yourself as You Love Another.
  • Learn about the Course Coat of Many Colors and other educational opportunities.
  • Learn About the Essences for the Home Temple and the role they play in a chakra healing system using The Twenty Rays of Christ Consciousness.
  • Read the inspiring, often astonishing books and articles from the cetaceans and other enlightened beings who are devoted to your evolution and well-being.


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The eBook Healing Wisdom From the Dolphins and Whales

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Living a
Compassionate Life

Home Page/January 2015

February 2015

March 2015

April 2015

July-September 2015

December 2015 - Jan. 2016

April-May 2016

September 2016

September-October 2016

November-December 2016

February 2017

July-October 2017

Earth Now - Living A Compassionate Life:

June-July 2018

November 2018- 

2019 New Years Message From Jesus

June 2019

The New Book "Earth Now"- Love Tones-The Humpbacks' Story-Chapter Links

2020 New Years Message From Buddha Maitreya

April 2020 Immune Support from the Humpback Whales and Home Schooling Conscious Kids

2020 Holiday Message from Jesus and Kathryn Jensen

Summer 2021
Assist Gaia in Co-creating the New Earth

July 30, 2021: An Invitation to Serve Earth and Become a Catalyst for Positive Environmental Action

August 22,2021:An Invitation  to Activate Earth’s First Chakra at Mt. Shasta and Humanity with the Christ Consciousness Ray of Courage 

Sep 5,2020:

Earth Heals as Her Humans’ Heal Anger, Rigidity, and Tension.
The Masters of Love and the Dolphins and Whales Invite You to Help by Expressing Your Truth With Grace and Compassion.

November 8, 2021
A Love Letter from the Ascended Masters and the Humpback Whales

December9, 2021
Love Creates Sensitivity to the Truth

Christmas Blessing 2021

Listen to the Heartbeat of Mother Earth 1-12-22

Blessings to Ukraine 3-20-22

Raising the Vibration of Ukraine's Military 4-1-2022

Communion With Mother Earth 8-27-2022

Lifting the Compassion Planet's Life Force 9-25-22

Life in the Fast Lane and What That's Done for Humanity's Health and Wellbeing

Thanksgiving 2022

Christmas 2022

Support for Maui


Thanksgiving 2023

Staying Heart Centered in the Midst of Terrorism


Christmas 2023

Climate Change - A Cosmic Perspective