Support for Children and Parents

A Message to Parents and Children

I've come to realize that this website has many resources for very special, spiritually gifted children with unique learning styles. The site also has resources for their parents who need extra love, attention and support in raising these great kids.  


  • A letter to children 
  • A letter to parents 
  • Relevant links


Dear Children,  

If you've read Splash! and want to tell me how you feel about the book email me.  

Enjoy reading a story called Listen to Me by Bo.  Bo is a very young dolphin who has a great deal in common with you.  He wants to be your friend.  So click on Listen to Me by Bo and read his story. Have fun getting to know Bo.

He, by the way, inspired me to write Splash! Children who read Splash! meet Bo and three other very special dolphins named Lovey, Baba and Binkle.

If you read Splash! and  want to get in touch with Lovey, Baba, Binkle or Bo write a letter to the dolphin and send it to meI'll publish your letters and the responses you receive from your dolphin friends right here on this website. Feel free to ask me questions.  I'd love to hear from you and I'll always write back.  

Kathryn Jensen


Dear Parents,

 I worked with children for over thirty years, both in the schools and in private practice. I specialized in working with children with labels such as ADD or LD or right brain dominant.

Now I realize that many of the children I've worked with through the years are given more enlightened labels such as Indigo Children or Crystal Children but pigeon-holing children in this way is limiting. Labels serve a purpose but I must say  I've worked with many uniquely gifted children who didn't  fit any category 

So I'll declare that these materials, books and healing essences you are introduced to on this site, benefit all kids everywhere. Given the right help, all children have the potential to make significant contributions to creating  a heart centered, peaceful world. This site provides you with resources to help you raise these children. Many of these children have  very special needs and abilities.  

Read about 
The Essences for the Home TempleThanks to my young clients, these wonderful healing essences evolved as I started doing soothing energy work on children-about 15 years ago. A fascinating phenomenon occured. One child after another reported visions of delightful,playful dolphins.

These same dolphins began communicating with me and advising me to potentize essences for kids and send them home with their dolphin medicine. The essences did indeed have a healing effect on children.  The more formal essence kits evolved from these enchanting, inspiring experiences.

Read about Lucy and Hanna, two amazing children who benefited from using the essences.. Read Learning from Lucy
Read Hanna's Message

The essence called Grace is the one essence I sell individually. Kids love it!

Coat of Many Colors for a class that teaches you to use the Rays of Christ Consciousness, also called Rays of Love Light, in basic and complex ways.  The ray energies are contained in The Essences for the Home Temple. These techniques work beautifully with  children. They get it!  They have been by far my most successful clients and they obviously experience the power and effectiveness of these healing techniques.  

Splash! is the first in a series of five books written for children. See the Splash! page which provides support to parents, teachers and other mentors in helping kids integrate the teachings of Splash! into their lives. A teaching guide called Love Light is available. It's a workbook meant to train kids to use The Twenty Rays of Love Light in their daily lives.. 

Read Listen to Me by Bo. This is a message to children from a dolphin named Bo.  Enjoy reading this up-beat story. I'm certain you'll appreciate the lessons this baby dolphin has to share with your children.  

I've been using a wonderful healing modality called Brain Gym with children since 1987. Brain Gym emphasizes the use of movement for whole brain integration. See for more information. 

I've never failed, for example, to help a non-reader read with the use of Brain Gym. The techniques are also very effective for calming children with ADD symptoms.  

The Brain Gym organization has a world wide network of certified practitioners and instructors. See their list on the website.  

 Feel free to email me with questions. Join my email list or check this site every so often for new publications and possibly new products.  

Kathryn Jensen  

Relevant links for parents of Indigo Children and all spiritually sensitive, special children.

I personally endorse these sites.  They are rich with resources to support you in raising and understanding your children.  



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April 2020 Immune Support from the Humpback Whales and Home Schooling Conscious Kids

2020 Holiday Message from Jesus and Kathryn Jensen

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Assist Gaia in Co-creating the New Earth

July 30, 2021: An Invitation to Serve Earth and Become a Catalyst for Positive Environmental Action

August 22,2021:An Invitation  to Activate Earth’s First Chakra at Mt. Shasta and Humanity with the Christ Consciousness Ray of Courage 

Sep 5,2020:

Earth Heals as Her Humans’ Heal Anger, Rigidity, and Tension.
The Masters of Love and the Dolphins and Whales Invite You to Help by Expressing Your Truth With Grace and Compassion.

November 8, 2021
A Love Letter from the Ascended Masters and the Humpback Whales

December9, 2021
Love Creates Sensitivity to the Truth

Christmas Blessing 2021

Listen to the Heartbeat of Mother Earth 1-12-22

Blessings to Ukraine 3-20-22

Raising the Vibration of Ukraine's Military 4-1-2022

Communion With Mother Earth 8-27-2022

Lifting the Compassion Planet's Life Force 9-25-22

Life in the Fast Lane and What That's Done for Humanity's Health and Wellbeing

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Support for Maui


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