The following message by Ascended Master Djwal Khul is one of several that were originally written for those interested in the course called The Blue Dolphin Essences, A Course in Loving Yourself as You Love Another If you are interested in The Essences for the Home Temple these lectures should still be meaningful to you. All these dolphin-whale activated essences are inspired by the same avatars,masters,archangels, dolphins and whales.
These messages were volunteered by several loving, divine beings who are involved in the development of this spiritual growth program. You will resonate with and learn from some information more than others.
Information is repeated. Why? So You'll get it! True knowledge of this program comes however, not through the mind, but through the heart as you experience the use of the essences and their accompanying activations.
A Message from Djwal Khul
Just live in the lamp of pure love. What is it telling you? If you feel like bearing this lamp in your heart, then it is possible that you are one who left Sirius and came to earth to experience the world of the physical body.
Djwal Khul is learning more and more about the Sirius service organizations all over the world, as he watches the Blue Dolphin Essence program evolve. Like so many others, Kathryn, who has received this brave new process called the Blue Dolphin Essences, A Course in loving Yourself as You love Another, is freeing herself of fear of being a human being.
So many of you have feared being human because you descended in order to be human and you have never resolved the conflict of values that you experience when you live among humans from many other regions of the universe.
You feel misplaced on earth where duality exists.You don't comprehend duality.You come from a place where love is all there is and it is incomprehensible that anyone would be unloving towards another.You don't participate in a lot of earth's frozen energetic, lifeless actions, of harboring subtle envy for others who appear to have advantages over you.
You don't comprehend those behaviors and when people perceive you as conniving or underhanded you feel devastated that they would project that perception on you. You are unusually sensitive to the slights of others and you can't comprehend the motives behind this kind of behavior.You are easily hurt and you can get very depressed about living among people who behave so oddly.
You may have been a human being for a long time but you have never felt like earth was your home.You are just brought to your knees by the behaviors of violence and completely collapse in despair when you witness it.
Djwal Khul is recommending the Blue Dolphin Essences to you if you fit this profile. You will rejoice in again meeting your old teachers from Sirius.You will immediately feel safe with the dolphin and whale avatars you reconnect with as you use the spiritual growth program.
Do be careful with your frequency.Your frequency will pry people right out of being complacent about their lives. They might blame you for making them change. Realize, as you use this program, that you are becoming a change agent for God. You are one of the leaders in bringing the frequency of the Christ into the human heart. Do be careful with your frequency. You could bring such a trace of Sirius into loveless places. That much clearing could occur.
Djwal Khul is taking you to your destiny by telling you to break a vow of silence. You have been silent about who you are. Say " I am a harbinger of great relief for human beings." Say that while you share your frequency with others. You have the power to change the world.You are loved for your Sirius message that you deliver every time you love someone else.You are very, very loved for your work. Thank you.
More Messages from Ascended Masters on the Blue Dolphin Essences and the Essences for the Home Temple
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More Messages from Ascended Masters on the Blue Dolphin Essences and the Essences for the Home Temple