Blue Dolphin Essences
In Depth 

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 Blue Dolphin Essences
In-Depth Facts and Information

A Course in Loving Yourself as You Love Another

When you purchase this course you receive:

·         An  8 1/2" x 11" book with 96 pages

·          A box of 10 essences in one ounce bottles

This a course  that emphasizes learning the skills of unconditional love for self and others.  There are ten essences and ten chapters in the book. As you use each essence you are guided by lectures and activations that apply to the use of that specific essence.  Each essence, when used with its' accompanying  lectures and activations,  increases the frequency of the heart in specific ways. 

The book was communicated to Kathryn Jensen primarily by Ascended Master Jesus.  There is a section communicated by Sai Baba, an avatar who currently resides in India and another one communicated by Ascended Master Vywamus.

There are other Ascended Masters and avatar cetaceans (dolphins and whales) mentioned in the titles,  because their teachings are being discussed with regard to a particular essence. Jesus and Sai Baba are the primary authors and designers of this program, but many Ascended Masters are involved behind the scenes. Here is an very brief overview of the emphasis of each essence. 

Each essence has a different emphasis but they are meant to be used  sequentially in the context of the course.  Therefore they are not sold separately. 

Essence #1 The Essence of All That is Love by Jesus
Emphasis - Learning the skill of loving yourself through clearing fear based patterns.

Essence #2  The Essence of unconditional Love by Sai Baba
Emphasis -  Learning the fundamentals of loving yourself unconditionally

Essence #3  Essence of Resonance with God  by Jesus and Simon Peter
Emphasis -  Becoming a Christ Consciousness bridge between  every Human you encounter and the earth that harbors your foundation for living.

Essence  #4  Essence of the Soul's Light by Jesus and Lulu, an avatar dolphin
Emphasis -  This connects you to higher consciousness as Lulu connects you through a frequency called a harmonic  (dolphin language).

Essence #5  Essence of Insights into the Future  by Jesus and Bim, an avatar whale
Emphasis -   In-depth techniques for healing fear based patters. The information on this ability will be  given to all humans in the near future.

Essence #6 Essence of the Truth  by Jesus and Archangel Raphael
Emphasis -  In depth training in loving another unconditionally and having the clarity and insight to look beneath the surface of their behaviors.

Essence #7  Essence of Union  by Vywamus
Emphasis -  Developing union between the human heart and the heart of mother earth. 

Essence #8   Essence of Loving One Another by Jesus and Mary
Emphasis -  Learning the skill of loving one another vs. acting as if you love another

Essence #9  Essence of Contemplation on Love  by Jesus and Torkum Saraydarian
Emphasis  -  Clearing the mental body with seed thought meditations on stability, joy, humility and temperance

Essence #10  Essence of Loving All That is Not Working  by Jesus
Emphasis -  Learning the skill of loving someone unconditionally you are having a conflict wit


Explore these links for more  information on the 
Blue Dolphin Essences:

Use Blue Dolphin Essences With Animals
Purchase Blue Dolphin Essences


If after reading this information- Blue Dolphin Essences In Depth, you feel like it's too advanced for you or for some other reason feels too complex to use see the information on the Essences for the Home Temple.The Essences for the Home Temple facilitate transformation very gently and are easy to use.  


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Assist Gaia in Co-creating the New Earth

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August 22,2021:An Invitation  to Activate Earth’s First Chakra at Mt. Shasta and Humanity with the Christ Consciousness Ray of Courage 

Sep 5,2020:

Earth Heals as Her Humans’ Heal Anger, Rigidity, and Tension.
The Masters of Love and the Dolphins and Whales Invite You to Help by Expressing Your Truth With Grace and Compassion.

November 8, 2021
A Love Letter from the Ascended Masters and the Humpback Whales

December9, 2021
Love Creates Sensitivity to the Truth

Christmas Blessing 2021

Listen to the Heartbeat of Mother Earth 1-12-22

Blessings to Ukraine 3-20-22

Raising the Vibration of Ukraine's Military 4-1-2022

Communion With Mother Earth 8-27-2022

Lifting the Compassion Planet's Life Force 9-25-22

Life in the Fast Lane and What That's Done for Humanity's Health and Wellbeing

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Support for Maui


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Staying Heart Centered in the Midst of Terrorism


Christmas 2023

Explore these links for more  information on the 
Blue Dolphin Essences:

Use Blue Dolphin Essences With Animals
Purchase Blue Dolphin Essences

If after reading this information on the course you feel like it's too advanced for you or for some other reason feels too complex to use see the information on the Essences for the Home Temple.The Essences for the Home Temple facilitate transformation very gently and are easy to use.