Living a Compassionate Life 
April 4, 2022
Lifting the Vibration of Ukraine's Military
A Message and an Activation from the Archangels and a Bottlenose Dolphin
received and translated by Kathryn Jensen

Lifting the vibration of Ukraine’s Military

by Archangel Solana

received and translated by Kathryn Jensen

The loving, kind compassionate people of Ukraine have been trampled on by the Russian military. However, the Russian forces have been thrown off kilter by the Ukrainian’s military forces. The dreadful massacres of the Ukrainians are countered by action being taken by a far less experienced Ukrainian army with far fewer resources. What’s created this phenomenon? The character of Ukrainian’s deeply, beautiful people, who love their relatively new democratic republic, has created their incredible success at countering Russian aggression.

The darkness within the hearts, minds and souls of Russia’s politicians has been horrific to witness but their resolve to wreak havoc in Ukraine has been slowly but surely dissipating. We observe this phenomenon here in my Archangel realm. We observe the darkness being replaced by complicated feelings of not being in control. The depletion of the Russian military is the cause and effect of Russian soldiers lacking in motivation to follow the orders of their commanders.

I’m sure most of you are well versed in what’s taking place regarding this war, but there’s one insight the Archangels would like share with you. The tyrant who initiated this war has a strikingly challenging time acknowledging the massive resistance from most of the other major players in creating world peace. The disapproval is expressed in economic sanctions on Russia and their compassion for Ukraine is expressed with generous aid of all kinds being given to Ukrainian refugees. His resolve is faltering, and his reputation has been extraordinarily compromised.

I’d like to introduce you to my friend Puja who is a bottlenose dolphin, living off the coast of Hawaii. Puja will share a short yet powerful activation for you to use first on you, then on the Ukrainian military. The activation is meant to lift the vibration of the Ukrainian troops.

Yours in Service,

Archangel Solana


 Puja, a Bottlenose Dolphin Speaks

Aloha Dear Ones, I live in the waters off the Big Island of Hawaii. I care for people on Earth who suffer. I’m currently serving my dearly beloved ones who live in Ukraine. I and my family members give the blood red Christ Consciousness ray of Service to the Ukrainians as well as the Russians who have no tolerance for this dreadful contamination taking place in Ukraine. We pulse the blood red ray of Service into the grid and the energy flows to the second chakra of Earth in Lake Titicaca on the border of Peru and Bolivia. From there, Service activates the second chakras of all people who provide compassionate service to others. We’ve amplified this healing ray, as we’ve pulsed the frequency into the grid, since the Ukrainian war began. We observe the hearts of many people on Earth pouring compassionate prayer and healing energy into the hearts of those who suffer. The service these souls provide has become amplified with our help. We would like to provide you with an activation that will help you amplify your second chakra with service, so you become a more powerful conduit of loving compassion, as you serve the Ukrainians and the who love their Ukrainian neighbors.  


Puja’s Activation

  • Be still. Breathe deeply
  • Hold one hand on your second chakra that’s located below the belly button
  • Pull the blood red ray of Service from your Soul Star chakra or your ninth chakra. The chakra is fourteen inches to many feet above the crown. Do this by imagining and intending that the blood red ray of Service flows from above your crown through the 7th- 3rd chakras into your 2nd chakra. Intend also that the ray is flowing through the hand you are holding on your second chakra. Intend that the ray energy saturates your body mind spirit. This is called pulse healing.
  • Notice how Service impacts your body-mind-spirit. Fill your entire body-mind-spirit with the blood red ray of Service and keep noticing the cause and effect.
  • Create and image of the Ukrainian army.
  • In your mind’s eye place that image two feet in front of your second chakra. If visualization isn’t your strength intend that this process has been successful.
  • Imagine and intend that you are sending the blood red ray of Service to the Ukrainian soldiers. Notice shifts in your image, shifts in how you feel and shifts in what impact you have the power to make a difference. Thank you for assisting us in this process. Believe in your personal power and your ability make a difference. 

Yours in Service,


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