Support For Maui from the Humpback Whales and the Masters of Love
a Healing Activation

Hawaii Foliage 2
mermaid wave

Support to Maui from the Humpback Whales and the Masters of Love

Buddha Maitreya Speaks

The holy spirit respects the planetary grid and its relationship to Gaia’s very complex process of ascension.  I, BM, work with the planetary grid which is very complex as Earth strives to activate her frequency into the highly charged 4th and 5th density. 

Earth has been experiencing one climactic disaster after another and most of you have suffered through aberrant situations that have disrupted your feeling of being safe and protected.  There are also earthquakes and climactic eruptions that are symptoms of changes in Earth’s grid. 

The disastrous fire on the Hawaiian island of Maui was caused by hurricane force winds and extremely dry conditions. Power lines blew down and started the fire resulting in destruction of much of Lahaina. There are rumors of malevolent forces causing the hurricane force winds and the setting of the fire. 

This was not the cause and effect of dark human forces. It was caused by the cause and effect of a huge weather disturbance as well as well as drought conditions. 

As Earth shifts frequency she shakes off her crust to purify herself.  She’s merging with the process of detoxification. If you’ve ever been through a detoxification, you know how disruptive the process can be.

Bear with me as I express to you the critical nature of speaking the truth.  The truth on your Planet Earth is very difficult to discern right now isn’t it. You hear one perspective. Then you hear another. After a while, if you’re like my scribe Kathryn you probably throw up your hands in frustration as you do your best to sort through the facts and figures. Trust me as I tell you that the fires on Earth do not have anything to do with weaponry. They have everything to do with changing climate that’s reflected throughout the solar system and the galaxy. 

I’m privileged to have information that you are not given. I hear reports, from those who traverse the galaxy, that a multitude of planets are experiencing significant climactic shifts. The entire galaxy is retrofitting itself for ascension. I know we’ve mentioned this in previous blog posts on this site.

The Maui disaster is a wake-up call for residents and government officials to relinquish corrupt policies and replace them with policies that support the island to transform policies related to water management and other elements of environmental action such as planting native trees etc. on lands that were used for agriculture. All fires on Planet Earth provide human beings with this kind of wake-up call.

It's only a matter of time before the youth of Earth step into leadership roles and make decisions that support the health of humanity and Mother Earth vs. decisions that support corporate greed. I fill up with deep encouragement as I observe the young people of Earth.

The darkest of the dark forces that malign the harmonic of Grace on Earth don’t stand a chance against stunningly benevolent, brilliantly educated youth.  These impressive people are light warriors and some of you reading this blog are members of this group of extremely sensitive souls.

I respect you all deeply. You incarnated on Earth to support her ascension and help decontaminate her Aina which is the Hawaiian term for sacred Earth.

So Beloveds, I have helped Kathryn construct several blog posts that provide you with the universal perspective I’m privileged to perceive. I know you fear for your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of those you love. It’s a frightening time to be alive but there’s hope Beloveds and extraordinary breakthroughs are happening behind the scenes. 

Love one another.

Yours in Service

Buddha Maitreya


Blega, a humpback whale, whom you may have met in previous posts,

would like to present you with his perspective.


Blega Speaks

humpback and baby

As many of you know my humpback family sojourns from Alaska to the Hawaiian Islands for the winter. We pair bond and give birth in those warm crystalline waters.  Some members of my family prefer the coastal waters of Maui.  They refer to Maui as a very special vortex.  It’s a place where the harmonic of the heart is generated. 

The recent fire crushed the spirits of those who live there.  The fire was a demonstration of the incredible strain human hearts have been experiencing through the trauma laden purification of Earth. 

The humpback whales who spend their winters in coastal Maui pour Courage into the vortex that represents the heart of Earth. 

The indigo ray of Courage is a frequency I’ve activated you with if you’ve read and absorbed my previous posts.  I once more infuse you with Courage because you need to be courageous as you serve your fellow humans. 

·         So, my friends invite the indigo flow of Courage to flow from your 9th chakra or your Soul Star which is way above your crown.

·         Invite Courage to flow through your crown chakra, your brow chakra, your throat chakra and into your heart.

·         Surround yourself with this Indigo Blue color. 

·         Place your hand on your heart.  Ask that Courage pour through your hand through your heart, into your entire body.

This is a simple activation but it’s very purifying.

·         Next send a flow of Courage from your heart to the people of Maui. Saturate every heart, mind and soul residing on Maui with Courage.

I hold you all in my frequency of Courage.

Yours in Service,


Privacy Policy For Dolphin Energy Healing

This is a loving reminder that this site is not a platform for conspiracy theories etc. Trust me and fellow readers. We've heard the conspiracies regarding the Maui fire.  

Please comment instead on your response to the healing activation and the message!


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